Navigating Life Transitions: 6 Strategies to Adapt to Change

Last updated by Lauren Hart

Breakup, moving, changing regions... One thing is for sure, I've experienced a lot of changes in my life recently. Some I chose, others much less so! It was hard, very hard, but I still held on, mainly because I had strategies to adapt. Indeed, I learned this in therapy to navigate troubled waters. Even though life is full of surprises, some more pleasant than others, it is possible to transform these transitional periods with 6 strategies!

Navigating Life Transitions: 6 Strategies to Adapt to Change

1. Accept change πŸ™

I know, I know, it doesn't seem like a strategy at first glance πŸ˜…. Yet it is, because you need to work on yourself, on your emotions, to move forward. Resisting, refusing change, will only make the transition harder.


For example, I didn't choose the separation. I wanted to stay in a relationship, to continue my life with my partner. However, I couldn't force him to do something he no longer wanted πŸ˜”. So I had to do some work on acceptance...

We need to take the time to digest new situations, of course. We must welcome our negative emotions, even if it's very complicated. If it's too difficult, as it was for me with my sudden breakup, don't hesitate to seek help during this stage to proceed with acceptance. Doing this gives us the possibility to truly move forward πŸ₯Ί.

2. Identify our resources πŸ’ͺ

Even if we struggle to see them at the moment, especially in difficult times, we all have resources within us. We need to call upon them during transitional periods to better navigate this time.


When I went through my breakup, I thought about previous breakups and realized that each time, I adapted and survived. What seemed insurmountable was always overcome. Then I asked for help from my friends and family, talked a lot with them, and they supported me through this change.

Indeed, we should make a list of our "superpowers" and be aware of our resilience 😎. If it's too hard, we can rely on our friends and family to remind us. Being well-supported is one of our resources to bounce back better.

πŸ‘‹ You might find this article interesting: The 7 Superpowers of Highly Sensitive People πŸ’ͺ

3. Create new routines πŸ“…

When everything changes around us, we need anchors to feel secure. That's where routines come into play πŸ‘€! They help us ground ourselves in our new reality.

Okay, I'll step away from the breakup example to talk about moving. When I changed my place of living, I decided to regularly walk by the sea. If I'm going to change regions, I might as well enjoy the nearby advantages 😬! But we can also start a new sport or change how we have breakfast. We can create an infinite number of new routines, which is great!

We shouldn't be afraid of change, we can experiment, make mistakes, and eventually find something that makes us feel good. By creating new things, new habits, we tame change.

4. Cultivate flexibility 🌿

In life, there are things we can't control, like other people's decisions or the whims of fate. Trying to control everything is the best way to make ourselves unhappy.

Welcoming change with flexibility, adapting to new situations, even if they scare us, is an excellent adaptation strategy. Letting go of what we can't change and focusing on what we can influence. For a long time, I had a need to control everything because it reassured me. Was I happy because of it? Not really πŸ™. On the contrary, I couldn't be calm in the face of any form of transition...

Letting go, an adaptation strategy

We need to let go, instead of swimming against the current with all our strength, we might as well let it carry us!

5. Take care of yourself πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ

When going through a transition period, we tend to forget ourselves, to be overwhelmed by stress and emotions. Yet, it's precisely in these moments that we need to take care of ourselves! We must find time to allow ourselves moments of relaxation and pleasure. This helps us gain perspective and, most importantly, recharge. Change requires a lot of energy, so we need to recharge our batteries.

πŸ‘‰ We can take care of ourselves in any way, as long as it makes us feel good. For some, it will be a spa treatment, for others, a pottery class, and for others still, meditation. We explore what soothes the body and mind πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ!

6. Ask for help 🀝

Last strategy, but not least: ask for help from a professional when needed. I know, it's not always easy, but when we can't navigate change alone or with our loved ones, for various reasons, we need to seek support.

For me, the day my ex told me he was leaving me, I made an emergency appointment with a psychologist who was available. My world was collapsing, and I knew I couldn't bounce back alone, knowing I wasn't doing well mentally. My loved ones supported me, but they couldn't replace the therapeutic help I needed πŸ’”.

There's no shame in admitting that we're not okay; on the contrary, it shows courage and clarity. If we want to navigate change calmly, we first need to feel good, so the best strategy I can recommend for knowing how to change is to get help!

Editorial Opinion: Building a More Resilient Version of Yourself

As you know, adapting to change isn't a walk in the park, but it's an adventure worth experiencing. Each step, each strategy we've explored together, is a brick that helps build a more resilient version of ourselves. In this ever-changing world, where changes can sometimes overwhelm us, it's crucial to equip ourselves to navigate with calmness. And sometimes, that means asking for help. Consulting a psychologist might be intimidating, but it's actually a sign of strength and wisdom. It's recognizing that we are human, that we have our limits, and that we deserve not to face life's storms alone.

So, why not you? If you feel the weight of change, if these strategies seem insufficient to allow you to breathe freely, don't hesitate to consult. A psychologist will offer you a safe space to explore your emotions, untangle your thoughts, and help you see change not as an insurmountable mountain, but as a series of small steps towards your well-being.

Navigating life's transitions isn't just about survival; it's about choice: choosing to live fully, choosing to be happy, choosing to get help when the path becomes too steep. And remember, on this journey called life, you are never alone.

πŸ€— Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... It's here and now!

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Article presented by Lauren Hart

Writing is a beautiful means of expression that I cannot do without. It has allowed me to channel my hypersensitivity, plus I love writing about psychology and personal development. For me, self-understanding is the best way to move forward!

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Wengood's playlist


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  2. Invalid date
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  4. Beautiful DayU2
  5. Thinking out LoudEd Sheeran
  6. White FlagDido
  7. Lay Me DownSam Smith
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