Cover Your Ass" Syndrome: Why Do We Cover Ourselves at Work?

Last updated by Rosie Harlow

Sending your manager a copy of an email, asking who’s responsible for the meeting minutes, or requesting written confirmations for every project... I think we’ve all done it at some point, myself included! I never really thought much about it, but I recently discovered that this behavior has a name: the “Cover Your Ass” syndrome. What does this reveal about life in the workplace? Why is it problematic? Let me explain.

Cover Your Ass" Syndrome: Why Do We Cover Ourselves at Work?

The fear of professional misconduct

Christine Barabas was the first researcher to define the "Cover Your Ass" (CYA) syndrome. She explained that there are two types of CYA, and we do it for two main reasons:

  • 👉 To protect ourselves in a tricky situation,
  • 👉 To avoid certain accusations.

In fact, it’s quite simple: it allows us to have proof, a written record that things were done and that we’re not responsible. It’s a way to anticipate certain reactions.

However, this behavior shows that there’s a problem. It’s not healthy to be forced into this mindset, because it proves one thing: we’re afraid of the hierarchy and that any potential mistake will fall back on us.

So, before going on vacation, we send a detailed email to remind everyone of the ongoing projects and tasks to be completed. As soon as we receive a request, we make sure to recontextualize it to avoid any mistakes. We use phrases like “as agreed in our meeting” 🙄... In short, we do everything we can to cover our backs from professional misconduct.

What does CYA reflect?

Management science researcher Isabelle Barth explains that she has observed CYA in "old school" environments, with a toxic and vertical management. For example:

The administration is the queen of this syndrome, with documents and emails multiplying, even if it means wasting time and exhausting ourselves. That’s how we end up with everyone in a never-ending email loop 😩!

👉 This reflects a very infantilizing company culture, focused more on finding who’s to blame rather than solving problems. Naturally, when you’re an employee, you do everything you can to protect yourself. Especially if you’ve had a negative experience like this in a previous company, it creates a protective reflex, and you prefer to keep proof of your innocence.

Especially in an uncertain economic climate where risks are higher, it’s better to cover our backs when accusations fly left and right... 

Why is this a problem?

Not having the trust of your company is already problematic, but it creates a toxic environment where everyone is suspicious of each other. And of course, this generates a lot of stress and anxiety for employees, which can lead to burnout... We may not be fully aware of it, but it’s there, lurking in the background 😥.

Moreover, Isabelle Barth also highlights that this flood of information takes up a lot of time and energy. Instead of focusing on productive and fulfilling tasks, we spend our time covering our backs 🙄. Oral communication doesn’t count, and collaboration and innovation take a back seat.

Finally, by drowning in reports, emails, and notes, we miss what’s truly important. Isabelle Barth says this might be the most harmful aspect, as it can lead to real consequences or dangers, especially in sensitive fields like healthcare 🤕.

👉 So, what can we do about it as employees? Unfortunately, not much. But at least, if we’re aware of it, we can be cautious and try to address it with our company, provided they’re willing to listen (and that’s not always guaranteed 😅). If it becomes too toxic for us, it’s better to leave, find a new job, or even consider a career change.

The editorial opinion: Oops!

Did you recognize yourself? Come on, admit it, we’ve all done it at least once to cover our backs! The key is to be aware of it and ask ourselves the right questions about our work environment when we notice this behavior. Share this article at the office! And if you’re struggling with professional relationships or activities, don’t wait to book an appointment with a psychologist.

🤗 Understanding ourselves, accepting ourselves, being happy... It starts here and now!

Connect with an advisor

But also:

Sources: “Uncovering the CYA Phenomenon in Organizational Writing: Initial Findings” published in Technical Communication by Christine Barabas //

Article presented by Rosie Harlow

Writing has always been a form of therapy for me. For as long as I can remember, I have always used paper as a punching bag. Get to know me, I am Rosie Harlow.

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