Is It Possible To Find Your Genius Zone To Be Effective At Work?

Last updated by Lauren Hart

Nowadays, we all aspire to have a job that makes sense, where we naturally feel good, and where we work without difficulty. To achieve this, we need to draw on our natural skills to find our “genius zone”. This would enable us to work effortlessly, while being in harmony with ourselves. Sounds like a dream, right? I was curious to find out more about this concept launched by psychologist Gay Hendricks, so I’ll tell you all about it! Let’s see if you really can find your genius zone!

Is It Possible To Find Your Genius Zone To Be Effective At Work?

What does “genius zone” mean?

Our genius zone is a unique space where our innate talents, passions, and deep aspirations come together. This concept was determined by Gay Hendricks in 2010, to push us to do work for which we have natural gifts 🤔.

It implies that we shouldn’t rely on our acquired skills, but rather on those that are within us from the beginning.

Why does he think we need to seek out this genius zone? Quite simply because when you get there, you get the impression that things are easy and fluid. You excel effortlessly, almost without thinking about it, which makes it easier to find your place in the professional world and understand the need for professional recognition.

Our genius zone isn’t just a place of performance, it’s also a place of profound fulfillment. It allows us to find our reason for being, our Ikigai, as it’s where our deepest passions and natural talents lie 😲.

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How do you find your genius zone?

According to entrepreneur Michael Bungay Stainier, working in our genius zone would also enable us to have a major impact on our environment and therefore our lives. But if it’s so revolutionary, how do you go about finding your genius zone? Here are some ideas to explore:

  • 👉 Identify your passions: You need to observe the activities that give you the most energy and satisfaction, even after prolonged practice.
  • 👉 Identify your moments of productivity: In other words, those times when you enter a state of “flow”, when you’re so absorbed in a task that you lose track of time.
  • 👉 Know where you’re a reference: In other words, consider the areas where others spontaneously ask you for advice.
  • 👉 List your achievements: In order to find the most rewarding ones, to see the skills that are linked to them.
  • 👉 Ask others for advice: Close circle of friends, colleagues, teachers, in short, people who can help you identify your natural strengths.
  • 👉 Analyze what you’re good at: in what area do you feel you make almost no effort?
  • 👉 Explore new activities: If you haven’t identified your passions, you shouldn’t hesitate to seek new things that may reveal hidden aspects of your genius zone.
  • 👉 Overcome your limiting beliefsAny negative thoughts like “if I do this, I won’t succeed”, show them the door, out! If this is too difficult to do on your own, it’s a good idea to get professional help.
  • 👉 Align yourself with your values: The best way to reach your full potential is to be in harmony with your personal values, so you don’t go against who you are!

The idea is therefore to combine your passions, your natural talents, and the activities that stimulate you without exhausting you. It’s a process of introspection and experimentation that takes time. The key is to gradually increase the space these “great” activities take up in our professional lives.

A really suitable solution?

The genius zone is a popular concept because it’s proved its worth. But as with everything, there are also critics. I wanted to talk about it too because sometimes personal development methods can be guilt-inducing, especially in the professional world where there’s an obsession with performance 😕.

For a start, the term genius may seem elitist because if you don’t manage to excel in a particular field, you can soon feel “stupid”. Some people also need to put in a lot of effort and perseverance to achieve their goals. Especially as the skills acquired through learning and practice are sidelined in the genius zone. Yet they’re just as crucial to success, as psychologist Carol Dweck explains.

Woman taking photo


For example, I consider my talent in photography as something I’ve acquired. I’ve certainly developed an affinity for images, but I’ve learned to do a lot of things without which my current work wouldn’t be the same.

Let’s see if it suits us

On the other hand, focusing solely on your zone of genius can lead to a narrow specialization, limiting the versatility and adaptability needed in a constantly evolving professional world.

So there’s something to bear in mind, the genius zone can be a good idea, if it suits us, and if it’s adapted to our life (depending on our state of mind, our field of work, etc.).

Despite the critics, I think it’s a concept that can help us, especially if we want to get our career back on track. We “just” need to remember that professional fulfillment is often the result of a combination of passion, effort, and adaptability 😎.

Editor’s note: Say goodbye to the negative!

The genius zone can be a good idea, particularly for teaching us to focus on our strengths. It’s also a good way of pushing aside our limiting beliefs. If you feel like you’re too buried under your negative ideas and that you can’t see your talent, perhaps you need a little help? A coach can help you become aware of your worth so that you can progress and find your place in your professional life! So don’t wait any longer, coaching really is a rewarding solution!

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Article presented by Lauren Hart

Writing is a beautiful means of expression that I cannot do without. It has allowed me to channel my hypersensitivity, plus I love writing about psychology and personal development. For me, self-understanding is the best way to move forward!

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