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How do you define unhappiness?
Unhappiness seems to be a vague concept, whereas it’s a very tangible reality since we’re talking about depression, burn-out, etc. In fact, one in five people is confronted with unhappiness through a depressive disorder. More generally, everyone can experience moments of depression, whether due to an obvious cause or for no real reason. However, when we suffer an emotional shock or any other difficulty, this malaise can take hold in the long term. 😞 Unhappiness can be defined as a painful experience that lasts and prevents us from leading our life as we’d like. That’s why it’s vital to pay attention to the symptoms of depression.
What are the signs of unhappiness?
When unhappiness invades us, there will be a psychological change. We’ll be more stressed and more irritable because we’ll have heavy mental ideas. This will tend to isolate us from others, which will create a feeling of exclusion and loneliness. Here are the psychological signs that may alert us:
- Generalized anxiety;
- Loss of self-confidence;
- Fear of difficulties;
- Feeling of failure all the time;
- Anger, aggression, irritability;
- Feeling of being misunderstood;
- Lack of interest in all activities;
- Black, even suicidal thoughts, etc.
⚠️ Among the behaviors that can typically alert to a person’s unhappiness is the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. The person is so unwell that they seek to self-destruct through dangerous behaviors or even mutilation. When suffering, we perhaps don’t notice this change in behavior, so it’s important to be alert for our close ones too.
The physical signs
Beyond the psychological and behavioral characteristics, our body will make us feel unhappy through physical symptoms: headaches or stomach aches, chronic back pain, sleep disorders such as repeated insomnia, or sleep paralysis. More generally, plenty of fatigue sets in for people who suffer from discontent. We may also notice “sloppiness” in our physical appearance, with clothes that leave something to be desired. A change in weight may also take place due to eating disorders.
What to do when you feel unhappy?
It may be difficult to identify the signs of unhappiness when you’re caught up in the downward spiral of life 🤕. The days go by, you try as best as you can to survive at work, manage your family, etc. This is why we need to turn inwards from time to time and listen to our emotions.
If we can spot the signs of unhappiness, we can start solving the problem. Without this, it’s impossible to change the situation. Therefore, we must also listen to those around us and be open to what they may say about our behavior 👨👩👦👦.
Identifying the causes
As with other mental disorders, the most important step to getting better is to understand and identify the causes of our unhappiness. In many cases, work is an easily identifiable reason: too heavy workload, pressure from our superiors, or on the contrary, boredom that turns into a burnout…
However, professional life isn’t the only reason for feeling unwell psychologically. Romantic relationships, family, and friendships can also be the cause. Sometimes, we also feel lost in our lives and don’t know what we want 😩… In short, there may be multiple causes, and it’s difficult to find them on our own. Yet, it’s essential that we put our finger on it in order to resolve these difficulties and get better.
How to find help
If you feel unhappy and are unable to identify the causes, you need to talk about it. Whether it’s to someone you trust or a doctor. The support and listening ear of these people will help us to understand what’s wrong.
➜ Nevertheless, the best person to help us is a therapist because often it’s a long process. Above all, a psychologist can help us overcome the problem that’s the cause of the unhappiness and find solutions. It’s the best way to find peace of mind, so you shouldn’t hesitate to seek help.
Editor’s note – Be well-surroundedWhen we’re unwell, we need the support of those around us. However, we may notice that there are toxic people around us who make us feel worse. Sometimes, they’re the cause of our unhappiness, so you should make sure you surround yourself with caring people. This allows you to feel stronger when faced with difficulties you encounter! And if you need to, consult a psychologist to get support: 🤗 Understanding yourself, accepting yourself, being happy... It’s here and now! #BornToBeMe |
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