What is an asocial person?
Asocial people are individuals who aren’t adapted to social life, or who are even opposed to it. We often make the mistake of saying an introverted person is anti-social, but they’re two different things ⚠️. As synonyms for asocial, we might use “marginal”, “antisocial” or even “sociopath”, because it goes beyond shyness and solitude. There’s a total break with the conscience of others.
👉 These words may sound strong, but in reality asocial people suffer from a personality disorder. It’s a refusal of social norms or cultural codes, it’s a pathology. So there is a particular behavior as well as symptoms that reflect an asocial personality.
💡FAQ 💡 What does asocial mean?
Asocial refers to a person's tendency to avoid social interactions and activities. Unlike antisocial behavior, which involves hostility or harmful actions towards others, asocial behavior is characterized by a preference for solitude and a lack of interest in engaging with social environments. People who are asocial may feel more comfortable being alone or with a small, familiar group of people, and they often find social situations draining or unappealing.
It's important to note that being asocial is not inherently negative; many asocial individuals are content with their lifestyle and find fulfillment in solitary activities. However, if asocial behavior stems from underlying issues such as social anxiety or depression, it may be beneficial to seek support from a mental health professional.
Understanding the distinction between asocial and antisocial behavior can help in recognizing and respecting different social preferences and needs.
How to recognize an asocial person?
Asocial behavior is not the same as being shy or reserved. On the contrary, there’s usually a lot of anger and violence in the symptoms associated with an asocial personality. They are unable to experience emotions and empathize with those of others.
👉 There are unhealthy, even dangerous behaviors:
- Impulsiveness,
- Irritability and aggression,
- Absence of guilt or remorse,
- A very unstable life (work, relationships),
- Unawareness of your own safety and that of others,
- Difficulties conforming to social norms,
- Attraction to alcohol and drugs,
- Recurrence of illegal or even criminal acts.
The causes of this pathology
Men are much more affected by this personality disorder than women (5.8% of men versus 1% of women). Dr Cancel, a psychiatrist and doctor in neuroscience, explains that genetic vulnerability factors and in particular life events may have had an impact on the personality. It’s not possible to establish a general cause for this pathology, but the patient’s life history often shows traumas and violence, particularly during childhood 🧠.
👉 A child who suffers psychological, or even physical, violence, will be more likely to develop this pathology. However, even without these facts, it’s possible to detect antisocial manifestations such as: anger, aggression towards other children and animals, increased opposition to parental authority.
What impact does it have on everyday life?
Unfortunately, there are major repercussion on the sick person’s life, but also on others who cross their path. There is a cruel lack of empathy and emotional intelligence to live in social harmony with others. Moreover, dangerous, even illegal behavior is at the heart of the asocial person’s life. As there is no awareness of social norms and respect for others, the asocial personality has no limits. This is why they’re also called “psychopaths” as they have no sensitivity.
⚠️ It’s often the judicial system that identifies an asocial person, after several offenses, and forces them to treat their mental illness.
How can you treat this behavior?
A sociopath will never seek help alone, it’s often constraint that leads them to start therapy. A diagnostic will be made by a psychiatrist, which will lead to medical treatment (or even psychotropic drugs) to calm the outbursts of anger and impulsiveness. Usually, cognitive behavioral therapy is proposed for this pathology in order to correct the behavior.
What to do with an asocial person?
It’s very difficult to help an asocial personality because there is no awareness of this personality disorder. Furthermore, they’re narcissistic manipulators who use their charms to achieve their ends. They to control others, which makes them dangerous for those around them.
👉 We therefore have to be extremely careful and be aware of this pathology. During moments of tension, you need to distance yourself to allow the person to calm down and to protect yourself. The best thing is to push the asocial person to seek help so that they can receive medical support.
Editor’s note: A pathology that needs to be treatedAfter reading this article, we hope that you’ll never again refer to a shy or introverted person as “asocial”. As you’ll have realized, it’s a psychiatric pathology that requires treatment. If you think someone in your entourage is suffering from it, make an appointment with a psychologist to talk about it and get some advice.
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Ironically, this article mixes up two very different terms too. Asocial is not a synonym for antisocial. Asocial person is aloof, does not want or like interaction with people- but it doesn't mean lack of empathy and certainly doesn't mean being socially disruptive. In contrast, anitsocial person doesn't withdraw from society, can be very charming if they want to, but lacks empathy and respect for social rules.
Asocial is not antisocial, 2 years ago
Thank you for clearing out .'o)
Macy, a year ago