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Welcome to our space dedicated to personal development and enrichment! If you are here because you want to get work on yourself, congratulations, it’s the first and most important step. For now, the question remains what does personal development actually mean? In short, it’s the path for you to become a better person or a version 2.0 of yourself.

Personal Development - Loading In Progress...

Loving yourself is very important, but have you noticed how we often put ourselves down? 'I'm not good enough', 'not enough this', 'not enough that', 'I'm rubbish, etc. We tend to bend over backwards for other people, yet we forget about ourselves. We think it’s time to think about ourselves and learn how to love ourselves for who we are, flaws and all.

This corner is designed for advice and our editor’s confessions. Here you’ll get to know yourself and be able to express your full potential.

- Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.  - 

Abraham Lincoln

Our most popular personal development articles:

Why Do I Get Upset When Someone Doesn't Text Back?

Friday night rolls around and after a hard week you were expecting to have a drink with a girlfriend, but she seems to have left you hanging on read... To make matters worse (and the humiliation?) you even saw the little typing sign appear, yet you never received a reply. Well, if that’s the case, obviously you or your "how about a drink tonight?" didn’t deserve an answer. Let’s take a look at why some people don't reply to messages, and why when someone doesn't reply to your text, this makes us feel so bad.

Why Am I An Attention Seeker? - I Want All Eyes On Me!

Do you have an annoying habit of being constantly over the top just to get other people to notice you? Do you love being in the spotlight? If you've answered yes to the previous questions, you are definitely one of those people who live to attract the attention of others. At work, whilst out with friends or on social media, you no doubt always need to be front and center. And, even though this excessive behavior tends to harm you, you just can’t help yourself! This begs the question, where does this need come from? And, how can you rectify it before it’s too late?

I’m Nostalgic; But How Can I Stop Looking Back?

Whenever I have trouble sleeping, whenever I’m bored or whenever my thoughts wander, it’s not uncommon for me to find myself reliving my childhood vacations, or a delightful weekend in bed or even my wedding day. Sometimes I even shed a tear thinking about these moments in my past 😢… Yes, I’m nostalgic, and I love revisiting memories, but that has to stop! Discover the steps to put in place if you want to live in the present!

Why Do I Constantly Need To Be In Control?

Wanting things to go well is perfectly normal, but sometimes this need for perfection can represent a huge barrier in our lives. Do you have trouble not giving in to the temptation of micromanaging everything in your life? Does leaving things to chance make you nervous and put you on edge? Where does your need to control everything come from? Letting go and becoming more easygoing will change everything for you and help you start living your best life. Discover how to let loose and free yourself from this need.

How To Develop The IT Factor

Some people just ooze charisma and have that je ne sais quoi about them. If you’ve been in the presence of someone with the IT factor, you’ll no doubt have noticed how magnetic and bubbly they are when it comes to commanding attention. Now, if you are sick and tired of fading into the background, it’s time for you to step out of the shadows because yes, the good news is that everyone can have the famous IT factor, no matter how naturally shy or introverted they are. No one is perfect, but at times, a little self-help goes a long way, especially in your professional life. Sometimes, working on our confidence is the key to realizing our dreams!

Tattoo Therapy

I have just one tattoo, and it was real therapy for me. After the death of someone close to me, I decided to get the two lines of a poem she loved inked on me. I found out when I got my tattoo that it helped me to move on. So could getting a tattoo be a form of therapy like any other? How can an inking help us feel better psychologically and physically?

“I Love Myself And It Feels Good”…

I sometimes say this sentence. There are days when I feel good and/or beautiful, so when I look in the mirror, I say, “I love myself” and it feels good. However, I’m sorely lacking in self-confidence. There are lots of things that make loving myself a rollercoaster ride, so today I decided to tell you all about it in this very intimate article. When self-love is a long path…

The No Bra Phenomenon: Why We Love Going Topless!

While the one-piece jersey is coming back in force, we see the no bra trend is definitely also on the rise, and we’ve got coronavirus lockdowns to thank for that. Our boobs have never felt freer and are living their best lives under our t-shirts and layers of loungewear, but does that mean we should expose them on the beach too? In any case, long live this wind of freedom that blows gently on our boobs.

The Most Beautiful Compliments To Give To Someone You Love

It may seem stupid, but we often forget to compliment the people we love. However, it’s important to do so, it’s so gratifying to give them, and they’re nice to receive. That’s why I’ve prepared you a list of compliments to share with your close ones, to guide you with the right words to say. 3, 2, 1, go!

Why Does Swearing Feel So Good?!

Who has never let slip a little f-bomb before?! For me, swearing is like breathing, it's also natural! I spill a drink over me? You'll hear me drop the biggest cuss words possible. Someone cuts me up on the freeway? Well, the same thing will happen, and my lovely language will make another appearance. Plus, I don't mind swearing in front of others, no matter how they look at me. Well, if there are children around, of course I'm careful, I wouldn't want to traumatize them either. In any case, every time, cursing makes me feel SO much better.

It's time I worked on myself!

Do We Always Need To Have The Last Word?

Today, I’m focussing on a habit that drives me crazy: wanting to have the last word. It’s probably because I’m not very good at comebacks or self-confident enough that I’m both fascinated and annoyed by people who always want to be right. But why do they always want to have the last word? What’s behind it?

How To Stop Being A Narcissist

Whilst many narcissists would never dream of changing their ways, those with a less severe form of this personality disorder are more likely to alter their ways. Now, many of us, and probably rightly so, tend to believe that narcissists are completely devoid of any empathy and that they are rigid and domineering by nature, but that’s not to say they can’t work towards being better people. After all, change IS certainly possible when you want it, and especially when you are willing to work for it. Admittedly, no one can just switch off their narcissistic button within themselves, but they can do things to be better.

What Are The 5 Big Personality Traits? - Identify Yours

Have you ever wondered why we all react differently to a situation? It’s because we have different character traits, that’s what makes us unique! However, it is not easy to identify ourselves and understand our main character traits. Contemporary psychology has identified 5 major personality traits so that we can understand ourselves better. This is the Big 5 theory, and I’ll explain how it works!

What Are The Things That Can Affect Your Mood? - 8 Of Them

You've no doubt already had one of those days when you just feel terrible about everything, where everything seems insurmountable, of course, you have, after all, you're only human. Despite society requiring us to be put on our happiest smiling faces (especially when we are female), the truth is that everyone has days when they don't feel like doing anything and simply want to smash their alarm clock into a million pieces when it rings out at 7 am... That being said, if your bad moods are becoming more and more frequent, then perhaps certain elements which remain unknown to you are responsible for this negative attitude.

Help, I Can't Keep A Secret!

I recently found out that my best friend is having an affair with someone… I know, right?! When she admitted it to me, she obviously told me not to tell anyone else, but this little warning was enough for it to burn my lips. When I got home, I had barely put my purse down before the revelation started spewing out of my mouth, but he’s the only one I told... promise!

The Cube Test

“Imagine you’re walking in the desert, and you see a cube…”. This is how a friend tested me on my personality on the last New Year’s Eve. However, it’s not just any personality test, it’s the cube test! It has existed for many years, but I hadn’t heard about it until now. Sometimes it’s a test from Japan, sometimes it’s from a Facebook page, I don’t really know its origin. But what I liked was the time I spent doing it, so here’s the cube test!

Give yourself a break:

I’m Too Spontaneous

I’m one of those people who take ages to make a decision. Yes, I’m not a member of the “spontaneous” team. On the other hand, unlike me, my best friend is impulsive. She’s often told that she should turn her tongue seven times in her mouth before saying something, especially when she’s at work. She sometimes tells me that she regrets being too spontaneous, but that’s not a flaw! Learning to manage this trait isn’t impossible, but how do you do it?

Is It Possible To Change Your Habits In 21 Days?

Stop smoking, start meditating, get up earlier, etc. Personal development gurus promise to change our habits in a record time of 21 days. Are three short weeks really enough to change patterns that have sometimes been in place for years? We investigated for you.

How Can Good Self-Esteem Help You Through Difficult Situations?

Self-esteem essentially refers to someone’s sense of personal worth or value. By way of explanation, self-esteem is related to how you view yourself and how much you appreciate yourself, regardless of the situations you face. Now, having a definition to hand is all well and good, but how in a practical sense, how can being sure of yourself help you handle some of life’s most difficult circumstances?

Is Naivety A Flaw Or A Quality?

I’m clearly naïve. Too naïve perhaps? I don’t know. Sometimes it’s funny (for others) and sometimes it’s a bit pathetic. In the end, I think I have a good heart, and I’m often surprised, not to say shocked, almost disgusted, by the actions or decisions of others. Is this hard to live with? Yes, sometimes I fall down, but frequently I tend to think that my naivety protects me. Does it make me stupid? In any case, I don’t think it prevents me from being witty. But am I right?

The Importance Of Questioning Yourself

I doubt myself a lot, questioning myself should be my strong point, but it’s not. Sometimes I can decentralize myself, even though there are still many areas where I question myself. For example, in conflicts, I don’t think that I act in the right way. Why is questioning yourself important? Can it really help us 🤔? All will be explained.

"I Changed My Mind"

They say that only fools don’t change their minds, and I tend to agree with that saying. Winning back your ex only to realize that you don’t love him anymore, deciding to become a vegan after eating meat at every meal, saying no on your wedding day, etc. Some U-turns are harder and riskier than others, but changing your mind happens. It’s no big deal and on the contrary, saying it and assuming it is a great strength of character! And we love that!


Wengood's favorite tunes 🎵

Wengood's playlist


  1. Only LoveBen Howard
  2. Invalid date
  3. Fix YouColdplay
  4. Beautiful DayU2
  5. Thinking out LoudEd Sheeran
  6. White FlagDido
  7. Lay Me DownSam Smith
  8. Nine Million BicyclesKatie Melua
  9. Put Your Records OnCorinne Bailey Rae
  10. Summertime SadnessLana Del Rey
  11. Imagine - Remastered 2010John Lennon
  12. Shake It OutFlorence + The Machine
  13. Space Oddity - Love You Til Tuesday versionDavid Bowie
  14. What A Wonderful WorldLouis Armstrong
  15. With Or Without YouU2
  16. HelloAdele
  17. Don't Stop Me NowQueen
  18. Skinny LoveBirdy
  19. WingsBirdy
  20. Californian SoilLondon Grammar

How to detect a narcissist?

How to detect a narcissist?

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." 

- Oscar Wilde